3.15 – The Psychology of… The Fight

It’s brutal. It’s violent. It’s two people trying to hit each other until one of them can’t hit back any more… but it’s a sport that has always had, and still has, huge appeal.  What is it that makes athletes want to take up boxing in the first place? What kind of mindset does it take to get in the ring? What are the mental skills and strategies that might help prepare an athlete to compete in a sport like this? Which is the best Rocky film? Dr Pete Olusoga explores all of that and more in this episode of the Eighty Percent Mental podcast, alongside pro boxer, Jordan “The Thrill” Gill, and Strength & Conditioning Coach and Co-founder of Boxing Science, Danny Wilson. Two guests who, between them have an absolute ton of experience in the fight game, although in slightly different roles, which made for a fascinating insight into the Psychology of The Fight. 

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